
How to sell American Eagle gift card?

To the fullest extent of the law
If you have an American Eagle gift card that unfortunately you didn't use or have no one to give it to, you have the option of exchanging it for money. All you have to do is to find a buyer.
Go to sellgift.cards to check your AE gift certificate balance. Unless otherwise required by law, this card can only be redeemed for U.S. or Canadian dollar merchandise at any American Eagle Outfitters, Aerie, Tailgate and Don't Ask Why store in the United States or Canada, or at ae.com or aerie.com. Purchase, use or acceptance of an AEO gift voucher constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions, the AEO Terms of Use and the AEO Privacy Policy. This certificate may not be used as an AEO credit card payment, used to purchase other cards, or redeemed or returned for cash, unless otherwise required by applicable law. To redeem online, enter the gift coupon number and PIN at the payment step at checkout. All certificate orders and payments will be processed at face value in U.S. or Canadian funds, as applicable. There is a limit of no more than three gift cards per online transaction. AEO is not responsible if a gift card is lost, stolen, damaged or used without authorization. Lost, stolen, or damaged gift cards may be canceled and replaced with a new gift voucher for the remaining balance upon proof of purchase (original sales receipt).
Features of gift certificates
A gift certificate is an electronic document, plastic or cardboard coupon, which gives the right to make purchases for a certain amount. During ordering, the recipient enters a unique code in a special field, after which the amount is recalculated. The certificate can be used once, two forms of payment are available:
If the amount of the order is less than the face value, the balance is burned. The buyer cannot divide the amount into parts;
If the order amount is larger than the par value, the recipient can pay the difference with his/her own funds.
Gift vouchers can replace a standard payment if you don't want to pay cash or use a credit card. They can be an appropriate gift for holidays or any other special occasion. You can use them to control expenses (it helps avoid bank overdrafts). They are simple and easy to use.
Certificates have disadvantages as well. For example, there may be a small amount of money left over after making purchases with a gift card, and if you don't use it, it will go to waste. To reload the card, you must pay a purchase or reload fee. Closed-loop cards limit purchasing power. If you lose your voucher, you can recover it if you register it in advance or save the number. You may be charged for inactivity if you don't use the card.
In terms of gift giving, gift cards may be preferable if you don't know what to buy someone on your gift list because they allow the recipient to buy what they want and when they want it. Just keep in mind that if you choose closed-ended gift cards over open-ended ones, it limits the giver's options as to where they can use the cards.
Why are gift certificates useful for the online store?
Almost all people are faced with the problem of choosing a gift, even for a loved one it is difficult to choose the perfect gift. In this case, certificates are used, which allow the recipient to buy a suitable product in a particular online store or partners. This format is convenient for customers, and brings a number of benefits to the seller:
the purchase of a certificate is a completed transaction, even if it is not used, the money will still remain with the seller;
increase in the average check, no risk;
minimum budget needed to design and print certificates. If they will be distributed through e-mail, investment will only be needed for advertising;
minimum number of claims from the recipient. Even if the code doesn't work or something goes wrong, a replacement can be provided;
ample opportunity to track results. All certificates are recorded, so at the end of the reporting period you can determine which ones were bought most often, how many were not used - get detailed statistics, which will help to quickly make changes to the strategy;
The benefits for the customer are obvious: quick purchase of presentable gift, significant saving of time, affordability. The recipient has the ability to choose a gift from a large catalog, even if the certificate is not useful to him, he will give it to a friend or relative who is interested in the range of online store. By using coupons, the seller launches the word of mouth, because its customers begin to attract their friends and acquaintances to the online store. If the recipient of the certificate is satisfied with the transaction, he can become a regular customer.
A gift card purchased at sellgift.cards is an effective method of increasing sales, which will help the owner of an online store to make stable profits without much effort. To work with certificates, it is important to make a clear public offer, which will protect the seller from unnecessary questions, stress and claims from the recipients of the gift. You need to track the dynamics of demand, keep records of used and unused presents with different denominations, as well as the amounts paid as surcharges for orders.